3 Medical Device Sales Rep Hiring Myths

Medical device sales is extremely competitive and hard to break into especially, ophthalmic medical device sales. Why is that? Should it really be that tough of a nut to crack? Quite frankly, no it should not. Which brings us to the..

3 Medical Device Sales Rep Hiring Myths

Before we dive into what they are, do you want to take a guess what they might be? No. No problem. Let’s dive right in.

Myth 1 - You Need Medical Device Sales Experience

Seriously? Well if I can successfully sell widgets or ice to an Eskimo, then why is it important that I specifically have medical device sales experience? What makes selling a medical device that complex that I wouldn’t be able to figure out? And the only ones who can break into medical device sales are those who’ve sold them before? Well, if they’ve already sold them before then I guess they do not need to worry about “breaking in” per se.

As I mentioned a few moments ago selling medical devices in the ophthalmic market is brutal to get into. Why? It’s not brain surgery? Is it? No, but if that’s how you’ve been conducting business for decades why change it if it works. You know the old adage - “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Well, it’s 2022 and you don’t need medical device sales experience to be successful selling medical devices to ophthalmologists and optometrists. That’s a myth. What do you need? Simple. The right person who fits in with your team, organization, and culture that you can teach. Look everyone can be taught to do something and that’s no different in medical sales. It isn’t. In a previous life I taught sales reps with ZERO sales experience how to sell medical devices. Guess what happened? They were able to do it. Not hard.

When you’re trying to expand your field sales organization or backfill a position look for like I said a minute ago candidates who fit your team, your company and it’s culture that you can teach. And by the way it’s not 1990 you don’t need to burn tons of cash by holding their hand personally when they try to sell a medical device. Coach them on the phone, FaceTime or over Zoom, empower them to get the job done and they will. If they don’t, then it’s time to move on and find someone who can. Need help finding these candidates? We can help. Contact Us today.

Myth 2 - Industry Relationships Required

How is this a myth? Give me a minute to explain. Maybe two minutes. Okay, here we go. On the face of it if you have established relationships within the ophthalmic community with Ophthalmologists and Optometrists, you’re good to go. On easy street if you will. Right? Not exactly. These relationships will maybe allow you to get in the door and speak with the doctor(s) who call the shots, but that’s about it. What do you mean by that? Hang on we’ll get to that.

Existing relationships are coveted by all medical device companies, specifically, start-ups. Again, the thought process is that you can leverage those relationships and grow the business quicker than you would without them. Unfortunately, If those doctors do not have to have the medical device you’re selling to treat their patients, then you’re “relationship” does not matter. Wait. What? Yes, sir. You read that correctly. The relationship does not matter.

This happens day in and day out in ophthalmic medical device sales, where you hire a sales rep with relationships and they do not produce like you want. So, you’re saying relationships are not all their cracked up to be? Exactly! Well, who do you hire? The right personality fit for your team, organization, and culture. It does not matter where they come from or if they have existing relationships. Click Here so we can help you find that fit for your organization.

Myth 3 - Pharmaceutical Sales Reps Can’t Sell Medical Devices

Unfortunately, pharmaceutical sales reps have the stigma of being just “sample droppers” or “lunch delivery drivers” to name a few. However, what they do need to do to be successful is be incredibly persistent. Why? Once they leave a doctor’s office another pharmaceutical sales rep comes right behind them selling the same drug, trying to steal your business. So, you need to be back in that office in one week to reinforce to the doctor why they should be prescribing your drug over your competitor. It’s not easy being persistent.

If you’re persistent you can sell anything. I mean anything and that includes medical devices. Another reason why it’s a myth that pharmaceutical sales reps can’t sell medical devices is that their method of selling is not transactional - money changing hands. Which makes sense. I guess, but not really. Sure you have to learn how customers are billed for the medical device and how they typically pay - which is one of two ways cash or financing through a bank. Something that can be easily taught. It’s not rocket science.

It’s all about the personality of the individual that fits your team/organization and organizational culture. That’s the most important part. You can’t train it, but you can train that person how to sell anything.

So, there you have it - 3 Medical Device Sales Rep Hiring Myths. It’s not easy to find the people that “fit” you and your organization, but’s that’s what we do and where we come in. So, let’s start a conversation today and see how we can help.


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