Why Hire a Search Firm in 2022

It’s 2022 and you’re continually trying to navigate the murky waters of a global pandemic. Things change on a daily basis that have lasting effects on your organization now and moving forward. So, why does it make sense to allocate resources and hire a search firm for your recruiting needs? Isn’t that an added expense that can be avoided? Which brings us to the ultimate question -

Why Hire a Search Firm in 2022?

Time Is Our Most Valuable Asset

Isn’t that true? What’s the number one thing we all wish we had more of? TIME. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. This goes for CEO’s, VP’s, Director’s, Managers, Sales Reps, etc., etc. And if each one of us could create more time we would and it would be priceless!

Let’s face it in this climate finding the right people who fit the personality of your team, organization and culture is an extremely difficult task. Which is why you should consider hiring a search firm, even if you’re a start-up. Why? As a hiring authority you’re not only tasked with finding the “right” person for your organization, but you’re also trying to ensure growth of your team/organization so you can stay on track to meet company goals. Oftentimes you settle for hiring “good enough” and “not the right fit” so you can get back to running the show. Or get the monkey off your back of having to fill the position. How many times have you heard, “Have you filled your opening(s) yet?”

What are the long-term consequences to your organization by making hiring decisions that are “good enough” or “not the right fit” ? Which is why you should hire a search firm in 2022. Maybe you should hire us. Having a conversation wouldn’t hurt.

A Fresh Set Of Eyes

What does a fresh set of eyes have to do with hiring a search firm? Good question. When you’re running an organization you may know exactly what you’re looking for or where your next superstar should come from. Which may be true, but a fresh set of eyes - of someone who does not currently reside in your organization may be able to offer a different perspective. What do you mean by that? Here’s an example. If you’re hiring for a pharmaceutical sales rep role and you want only those who have pharmaceutical sales experience in the eyecare industry, but those candidates are in short supply. So, you may be able to recommend the right team/organization and culture fit who has been working at PayChex, ADP, W.B. Mason for example.

This fresh set of eyes acts in an advisory capacity so to speak. They’re not just trying to turn and burn. They’re partnering with you. If you ask anyone this is worth the investment alone of hiring a search firm. Trick is you need someone who understands the ophthalmic industry, people, personality, organizational culture and team fit. Which we do. Let’s talk.

Understand The Current Market

It’s 2022 and the candidate market is unique to say the least. We’re having the “Great Resignation” where people are quitting in record numbers. Why is that happening? The Pandemic has a lot to do with it where people have been re-evaluating what’s really important to them. And a majority have decided they’re burnt out and need a break, to if I don’t take the leap now and start my own business, then when will I? There’s a million reasons as explained in this piece on The Great Resignation from CBS News.

Does that mean you can’t find the candidates that’ll fit? No, but you’re going to have to bring your “A” game with your compensation packages, flexible working options, and they way you manage people. More importantly, you have to change your “must haves” and basic requirements that you lived by a short time ago. What do you mean by that? Rigid guidelines on number of years of experience for a certain role. That goes for hiring executives all the way to sales people.

A Bachelors Degree or a Masters Degree shouldn’t necessarily be a basic requirement, where you discard the individual who doesn’t have either of them. Also, same can be said for having a background in Ophthalmology/Optometry. Although helpful for most positions the information they need to know can be easily taught or acquired. A lot of times someone coming from a different industry can bring a different prospective that can help the team/organization grow.

There are many more we can discuss, but you get the point. You need to think differently in the current market.

They May Have a “Fit” In Their Network

Depending on the type of person you’re looking for that will fit your organization a search firm may already have that person at their fingertips. Meaning, this prospective candidate may be in the recruiting firms network. Which could allow for a quick hire. Time = Money.

As you can see hiring a search firm is not an added expense you should look to avoid, but rather an investment you’re making to find the people and personalities that fit your team(s) and organization’s culture. We know we can help.


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